Character Analysis of Belinda in The Rape of the Lock

Belinda portrays the time of aristocratic and fashionable ladies. She is equally beautiful and charming. Early in the poem, the author compares her with the sun (also at the beginning of Canto II). It is as though the sun’s brightness wanes at the sight of her radiant beauty.   The poet invests her almost with divine … Read more

Beowulf As A National Epic

Despite being a Swedish epic, Beowulf, a long-tailed and major Anglo-Saxon literary work, is oft-recognized as a national epic of England. The Independent, November 10, 2007. Beowulf is one of the earliest Old English epic poems in English literature and is repeatedly claimed as an English national epic despite belonging to a Swedish epic root.  Although regarded as … Read more

Write a Note on the Predicament of Dido in Virgil’s The Aeneid

Virgil presented Dido in the opening book of the Aeneid with all her majestic charm and beauty. She is compared to Goddess Diana, though her sad predicament makes everyone sad. The composition of the Dido episode in the Aeneid is a remarkable aspect of this epic poem series, revealing Virgil’s originality in depicting this central woman character. Virgil is … Read more

Significance of the Aeneas – Turnus Conflict

The conflict between the Trojan hero and leader Aeneas, and the Rutulian Prince and the leader Turnus, of all Italian forces against the invaders, carries an epic conclusion. It is, therefore, very much significant in the whole scheme of the epic.  The Aeneid is not a personal epic about Aeneas, but a national epic, a … Read more

Aeneas’ Visit to the Underworld

Virgil has described Aeneas’ visit to the underworld in Book VI of The Aeneid. It has been considered the most outstanding achievement of Virgil’s imaginative and poetic prowess. The episode is the keystone of the whole of The Aeneid.  Without this episode, the poem would break apart into two separate incomplete and incoherent short epics.  In fact, … Read more