Comment on The Fusion of Fact And Fantasy in “Gulliver’s Travels”

Swift’s satirical masterpiece Gulliver’s Travels is essentially a product of his complicated psychology and highly imaginative mind. The author was one of the most controversial personalities of his age who revolted against the adoration of reason and scientific speculations. 

In his writings, Jonathan Swift bitterly criticized contemporary facts, particularly in Gulliver’s Travels, a wonderful fusion of fact and fantasy.

The world of Gulliver is imaginary. The countries and the inhabitants he visited were a collection of utopian and dystopian. However, we never question the reality of their existence, for we are charmed by Swift’s artistic storytelling.

Swift has achieved his willing suspension of disbelief through a beautiful fusion of facts with fantastic elements, which at times almost verge on the absurd.

Swift’s Blends Fact And Fantasy in Gulliver’s Travel with Realism

In the very opening, Gulliver introduces himself through a long history of his past life, imparting an element of authenticity in his narratives. Through his records, Swift achieves this blending of fact and fantasy. When we go through the experiences and observations of Gulliver, we find the same human follies and weaknesses existing in human society.

These political institutions, sense of morality, scientific experiments, abstract thinking, etc., have striking similarities with real-world activities. Through Gulliver, Swift gives a minute and vivid description of the land and its people, and this immediacy of physical appearance significantly contributes to Gulliver’s Travels’ realism.

The way of the life of the Lilliputians, the toy house of a Brobdingnagian girl, or the adultery of a Laputan wife is exposed before us, enabling us to relate them to our everyday feelings and activities. They seem to be natural, and we accept them as genuine.

Swift’s Metamorphosis And Satirical Narratives in Gulliver’s Travels

The metamorphosis in the character of Gulliver dramatically adds to our sense of realism. Gulliver’s character develops and changes over time, making his narratives credible. The natural feelings and reactions of Gulliver give us a sense of reality.

When the Brobdingnagian king verdicts mankind as ‘the most pernicious race of odious little vermin,’ Gulliver feels greatly mollified and tries to defend the human race. Even the absurd projects and impractical researches of the third book are not devoid of realism.

These satirical narratives remind us of the honest researchers of the exact nature in England. In Book IV, the impression is that of an absurd impossibility. The mythical figures like Yahoos and Houyhnhnms personify two extremities of human reasoning and sensuality. They present a fantasy world undoubtedly, but a thoughtful reading reveals how they symbolize contemporary degenerate humanity. It adds a touch of realism to the fantasy world.

The impression of the final book is one of pessimism, no doubt. This book essentially verges on tragedy reflecting the degeneration and degradation of man.

The tragic realization of Gulliver is that Yahoos are his own species which constitutes the theme of this book. As expressed in the concluding chapters, Gulliver’s final outlook on life further deepens the sense of frustration. However, this feeling of frustration should not lead to the idea of the misanthrope.

Swift’s Fantasy World Is As Good As A Real One

Swift created a fantasy world; nothing is there. Nonetheless, his realistic presentation deceives us so much that we accept the fantasy as fact and condemn his attitude to man.

However, Swift has introduced some real events in his fantasy world, as we find in the third book. The great experiments carried out in the Academy satirically expose the futility of similar scientific experiments in England.

A critical analysis of the book reveals that Swift himself wants us to take the incidents as fantasy, which Gulliver takes them to be an account of his simplicity and credulity. He has recognized the Yahoos as degenerated men and despises them while considering the Houyhnhnm as his ideal.

Gulliver’s attempt to become a Houyhnhnm mark the climax of Swift’s satire. However, we should note that both the Yahoos and the Houyhnhnms are creatures devoid of essential human elements.


To conclude, man is neither a Yahoo nor can be a Houyhnhnm. He is a combination of sensuousness and rationality. He is capable of self-improvement. Swift’s deliberate portrayal of fantasy distinguished from fact should be taken as a warning not to identify with the character we came across.

Thus we find that Swift has successfully fused fact and fantasy in Gulliver’s Travels, but his deliberate portrayal of fantasy should not always be taken as fact.

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